
The 10 Best Beaches to Visit in Asturias, Spain

The 10 Best Beaches to Visit in Asturias, Spain

1. Silence Beach

Until recently, this beach in the Asturian council of Cudillero was a paradise for nudism due to its solitude. Now it is more frequent, but it still maintains the conditions of a discreet and almost pure place. Underwater fishermen who have the principality’s certificate to carry out their activity have a splendid place to fish on this beach with clear waters. The area has the denominations of Protected Landscape, Special Protection Area for Birds, and Site of Community Importance. It has magnificent landscapes, including cliffs and mountains, and to reach it you have to descend a staircase of 111 steps from the town of Castañeras.

2. Gulpiyuri Beach

It is a small natural jewel that is 100 meters from the coast. The sea was drilling the limestone rock creating a cave that collapsed, emerging a hole of about 50 meters in diameter in which this curious inland beach was formed, although connected to the sea. It is surrounded by cliffs and green vegetation and its only access are on foot, from San Antolín beach. It is located halfway between the council of Ribadesella and that of Llanes, although it belongs to the latter. The isolation of the place, together with its small area and the deliberate lack of services, has facilitated its maintenance in an almost virgin state. In addition, it was declared a Natural Monument and is part of the Protected Landscape of the Eastern Coast of Asturias.

3. San Antolin Beach

It is a sand and gravel beach located in the Asturian town of Naves, about 1,200 meters long and with intense waves as it faces the open sea. It has an estuary into which the Bedón River or Las Cabras River flows, which originates in the nearby Sierra de Cuera. From the beach, you can see the eastern foothills of the mountains as they approach the sea. An estuary is also a place of interest due to the abundance of trout. Another attraction near the beach is the temple of San Antolín de Bedón, a Romanesque Benedictine church from the 13th century, which is close to the monastery of San Salvador de Celorio.

4. Torimbia Beach

It is a spectacular beach with a sandbank that reaches the very bases of the mountainous ramifications that make up the eastern part of the Sierra de Cuera. The beach, wild and beautiful, is part of the Protected Landscape of the Eastern Coast of Asturias and from it, there is a beautiful view of the foothills of the mountains. Its sand is fine and the waves are strong. Another of its attractions is that it is semi-closed by cliffs. Due to its isolation, it is a nudist beach. To get to Playa Torimbia you have to walk a path of about two kilometers from the town of Niembro.

5. Poo Beach

It is a flat beach delimited by beautiful internal cliffs that hardly allow us to see the open sea. When the tide rises, the water penetrates through the naturally opened channel in the cliff and is dammed, forming a delicious natural pool. This sea pool with a fine sand shore is shallow, ideal for the whole family, especially the little ones. The beautiful meadows that surround it are an additional attraction. You can get to the beach directly by car or on foot from the town of Poó.

6. Rodiles Beach

It is located on the eastern side of the mouth of the Villaviciosa estuary, in the Asturian council of the same name. It has a kilometer of fine golden sand and a sea that produces waves that have been classified among the best in Europe for surfing, which is why it attracts a strong national and international tourist current of enthusiasts of this sport. Along the beach, there is a large picnic area, with pine and eucalyptus trees, ideal for a picnic. The beach is part of the Ría de Villaviciosa Partial Nature Reserve.

7. Sea Caves Beach

The main attraction of this beach located in the council of Llanes is the striking holes perforated by the erosion of the sea in the limestone cliffs near the shore and others further away. Playa Cuevas del Mar is easily accessible by car and bus, so it has a large influx of visitors. It is 125 meters long and is located at the mouth of the Cuevas River. Its waves are moderate but not dangerous and it offers a good level of services, including ample parking.

8. Penarronda Beach

This beach is located near the town of Santa Gadea, between the Asturian councils of Castropol and Tapia de Casariego, belonging to the former. The Dola river or Penarronda stream flows into the place, dividing the beach into two sectors. It is flanked by two cliff structures, Punta del Corno and La Robaleira. It is 600 meters long, being the longest in the Castropol council. In its central part is the Pedra Castelo. The Wallflower of the Sea (Malcomia littorae), a perennial plant with showy flowers, has its only Asturian habitat in this area. It is also a breeding area for the Eurasian Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus), a beautiful caradriform bird.

9. Aguilar Beach / Campofrio

It is the busiest in the Muros de Nalón council and its main attraction is its rocky area in the middle of the beach. It is located between Punta del Gaveiro and Punta Castiello and is used as an anchorage for pleasure boats. It is frequented by practitioners of surfing and diving. It has easy access and parking and has a small promenade. Aguilar is the starting point of the Ruta de Los Miradores, a striking Asturian coastal stretch.

10. Serantes Beach

It is located in the council of Tapia de Casariego, near the town of Serantes. It has a useful length of just over 200 meters and the river Tol drains into it. It has a wide sandy area with fine grain and attractive golden color. It has moderate waves and is surrounded by a rural environment of cornfields and other plantations. It is frequented by fans of scuba diving and sportfishing. Another attraction located a short distance away is the castreño enclosure of El Castelón.

The Author

Oladotun Olayemi

Dotun is a content enthusiast who specializes in first-in-class content, including finance, travel, crypto, blockchain, market, and business to educate and inform readers.