Love & Relationships

What is the Difference Between Love and Infatuation?

What is the Difference Between Love and Infatuation?

You could be in the midst of a fresh, healthy relationship if you think you’re in love. Your emotions for your partner may be blooming in a normal way. However, when you’re unsure if you’re in love, your sensations could be a reflection of something other than love.

You may be ignoring facts and creating an unrealistic image of your love partner. Perhaps you’re simply drawn to the person you think the other person is.

Appeal, infatuation, lovesickness, desire, and love are all topics that will be discussed in this article, to elicit information that could help distinguish between real and fake feelings.

The Attraction Phase

When you are drawn to someone, you are aware of it, such that from across the room, you tease them and are attracted to them passionately. Our brains trigger the secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine when we are captivated by something, causing us to feel ecstatic.

However, we may experience elevated heart rate, excitement, or fear as a result of the norepinephrine. The compensation circuits in the brain are connected to attraction, which explains why you’re both excited and worried at once.

Determining If You Are Obsessed

Check yourself and how you’ve been behaving if you are unsure what you feel is love. Know that it is an indication of lust if your expectations are unrealistic.

Infatuation seems like when you don’t know someone well but think they are great. Feelings come on rapidly when you’re infatuated, although they aren’t founded on a profound understanding of the person. Love is frequently developed over time.

Defining Being Lovesick

There is such a thing as lovesickness, which dictates that one minute, you’re giddy with excitement and your heart is racing; the next, you are disappointed. When you’re in love, your emotions are all over the place, the credit for which can be alluded to by your brain’s neurotransmitters.

Sleep deprivation, anorexia, and stomach tightness are all classic physical indications of being lovesick. These signals are common in the early stages of a relationship when you initially feel like you’re falling for that particular someone.

These aren’t the same as flutters in your tummy when you prepare for your first date. These are more intense manifestations of anxiety and obsessiveness.

Identifying True Love

Lust can be present at the start of a short-term relationship or it might be present throughout a long-term engagement. When your want for sexual fulfillment is stronger than practically everything else, you know it’s lust. Lust is primarily influenced by sex hormones testosterone and estrogen.

When in love, partners are ardent yet their communication is based on a deeper emotional bond. They are devoted to one another and outside of the bedroom, those in love are likewise completely vulnerable and adore their companion.

Defining Love

You and your spouse have built a strong bond in the later phases of your relationship. You have a long-term relationship with someone. Your connection is deep and significant. This individual is aware of your weaknesses, and you have complete faith in the other.

You don’t have to wonder if you’re in love when you’re in a deep, profound, and intimate relationship. The doubts have been replaced by a knowing calmness. Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role in the maturity phase of attachment. When we are in love, this neurotransmitter binds us together and makes us feel more stable and attached.

While you may be having trouble discerning whether you’re experiencing love or another feeling, know that it’s quite normal.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.