Love & Relationships

Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship? What You Need to Do

Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship? What You Need to Do

Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship?

Loneliness is a distressing situation in which you experience sociological anxiety. You can be feeling lonely, empty, or even unwelcome even in a throng or with a loved one, this is a commonplace feeling.

Even when you’re surrounded by people or in a romantic relationship you may have a sense of isolation. This article addresses emotions of isolation, which in these situations may seem absurd. But being lonely doesn’t necessarily mean one is being socially marginalized.

You could be in a long-term relationship or part of a large family, yet you can feel lonely.

Factors That Causes Loneliness in Relationships

If you’re feeling lonely, one of you may have withdrawn, or you may have veered apart and are no longer as close as you once were. Couples may experience a rift as a result of situational stresses such as spending more time caring for children or working late at night on professional tasks.

It’s also possible that you’re too weary to engage in intimacy or you may feel obligated or exhausted to accommodate someone else’s requirements. It’s critical to determine what’s driving your feelings and to be candid with yourself.

One more reason you could feel isolated in a relationship is that you’re attempting to fill a gap that has nothing to do with the relationship and possibly that your partner isn’t able to fill this emptiness for you.

Relationship Markers of Loneliness

Here are several red flags in a relationship that could suggest loneliness:

Know that something is fundamentally wrong if you feel lonely even while you are physically close to your companion, or if you find your communication is missing and you’re depressed and dismayed.

If you’re no longer excited to tell your spouse about your daily life including work, family, and friends, this could be a warning sign.

Another indicator of something being wrong is if you’ve stopped having sex and if you are trying to avoid spending time with your spouse or telling your closest friend that things aren’t going well, you should take a moment to think about what’s going on.

Loneliness and Its Consequences

While it may appear little, loneliness, according to Cleveland Clinic, is a major contributor to significant health problems.

Cortisol rises when you’re lonely, which is bad since having too much stress hormone can impair your mental ability, compromise your immunity, and raise your risk of inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

Loneliness can lead to a variety of grave physical and emotional issues, such as depressive episodes, phobias, substance use and abuse, and spousal abuse. Loneliness has also been linked to a higher risk of death.

How to Deal with Loneliness

Here are some strategies to cope with feelings of loneliness in your relationship.

Talk to your significant other about how you feel- reassure your partner that you’re not judging or condemning them, but simply want to express your sentiments. Then express how lonely you are and you may find that perhaps both of you need to make some adjustments.

Alternatively, it could be due to some pre-existing feelings that you need to address.

Taking a Social Media Break:

Place a call rather than text your spouse. Better still, grab a quick drink with them at your favorite café. Endeavor to interact with your spouse as much as possible.

Make An Effort to Help Them:

Buy a Civil War book for your spouse if they enjoy history. Alternatively, volunteer to take the children out for snacks after school so that your partner, who works from home, can pause and play a multimedia game and enjoy his time.

Participate in various humanitarian work:

Consider how you can help others and decide on a course You both are committed to, then volunteer to help as a team.

Partner hugs:

Make physical contact with your partner. Oxytocin is also known as the “cuddle hormone” is released when you hug your lover. You’ll feel a sense of intimacy when you touch each other as well as develop a stronger sense of belonging.

Other connections should be fostered:

Engage with your sister or call a friend, which is a way of taking care of your other vital relationships. You’ll be reassured of how much you care for others and how much you care for yourself.

Couples counseling is a good option:

You can acquire tried-and-true ways that bring you closer together by chatting with a couple’s therapist. Allow this expert to advise you alone or together on how to avoid feeling isolated in your relationship.

In conclusion, note that it is possible to benefit from seclusion, such as a refreshing time to reflect on your life by allowing you to meditate, read, or journal.

Seek ways to improve yourself and your relationship if you’re going through a tough time, alienated, and separated from your partner. Make a positive contribution with the goal in mind to maintain a positive relationship with yourself and your partner.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.