Love & Relationships

11 Tips on How to Have a Happy and Healthy Relationship

11 Tips on How to Have a Happy and Healthy Relationship

It won’t be untrue to say the majority of us want to be in loving relationships, however, the majority of us have never been taught what it entails. Below are 11 top tips for having a good, happy, and healthy relationship. The goal is to be proactive and accessible.

1. Keep Things Fresh By Doing Things You Did Throughout Your First Year Of Dating

Many of us tend to get too comfortable in our relationships as days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Individuals begin to lose tolerance, tenderness, thinking, understanding, and the general effort they usually used to put into their relationship with their partner. Hence, if possible, note down all the things you used to do for your partner during the first days and months of the relationship and start doing them all over again.

2. Do More Than The Basic, “How Was Your Day?”

A lot of us tend to psychologically clock out of our life and, as a result, our relationships at the end of an exhausting day. “How was your day?” is a normal question many ask. However, being that the question is asked so frequently, a lot of us will automatically reply with the lowest vibe: “Fine. How did yours go?” This does nothing to strengthen the relationship and may even worsen it by removing the chance to relate frequently.

3. Make A Request For What You Desire

Many of us get to believe that our spouse understands us well and that they don’t need to ask for whatever we want after a while. However, w When we assume this, what occurs? Preconceptions are created, and they are rapidly shattered. Unfulfilled preconceptions can make us doubt the strength of our relationship and bond. Please remember that “asking for what you want” encompasses a wide range of desires, from emotional to sexual desires.

If the opening “How was your day?” doesn’t get any response, consider following up with more imaginative questions, such as “What made you smile today?” or “What was the most difficult aspect of your day?” The responses you’ll get will surprise you, and you’ll gain a better understanding of your partner as well.

4. Get It On

Sex and contact (kissing, walking hand in hand, hugging, etc.) are crucial parts of a love relationship except if you have pledged to have an asexual relationship. Of course, the amount of sex a couple has is entirely up to them, therefore you must talk about it so that any urge discrepancies can be addressed. Unusually, the two of you get “in the mood” at the same time, however, a lot of people reach that point after a few minutes, even if they weren’t beforehand.

5. Learn Everything There Is To Know About Your Partner

Consider who your partner is and what physically and emotionally stimulates them. Instead of being tuned in to what they genuinely want, many of us tend to become absorbed by what we assume they want. Understand that something doesn’t have to make sense to you if it’s significant to your partner. All you have to do now is take action.

6. Every Day, Take A (Mental) Vacation

Setbacks from life and work often take precedence in our thinking, leaving little time or inclination for our relationship. Putting on the Relationship Hat is a skill to master. This implies that when you are with your partner, ensure you are entirely present, save any crises or deadlines. You should listen to what they have to share (rather than appearing to do so), you should set aside any concerns.

7. Maintain The Sexiness

Have you ever considered what would the relationship look like if you and your partner both resolve to develop the habits you find hot and minimize the ones you don’t? Consider this in its fullest sense. “Sexy” can allude to bedroom inclinations, however, it can also apply to what we like about our partner in our daily life. Do you think it’s sexy if they assist you with house chores? Do you think it’s “unattractive” when they use the toilet with the door ajar? Discuss exactly how it works to “maintain it sexy” in the relationship. Be astonished, amused, and inspired.

8. When You Need To, Take “Fight Breaks”

Try to tackle disagreements intelligently and with a lot of respect toward your partner and yourself when they arise. If you notice that the tension in a discussion concerning a problem is starting to rise, one or both of you can pause so that level heads can rule. The key to this strategy is that you must choose a definite time to revisit the topic, for example, 15 minutes from now, to establish a resolution.

9. When You’re In A Fight, Dive Deep To Find Out What’s Bothering You

Many people speak from the surface in most arguments, which is evident in emotions like anger, impatience, and so on. Starting from this position can cause uncertainty and dismissiveness, as well as divert attention away from the genuine issue. Begin by communicating from the “bottom layer,” which includes feelings like disappointment, rejection, loneliness, and disrespect that are fueling your actions.

Sharing from this space necessitates candor and openness, this style of communication elicits an immediate sense of empathy. Tension will dissolve, and answers will emerge as a result.

10. Try To Comprehend Rather Than To Accept

The principle is simple, but putting it into practice is challenging. When we are invested in listening to our partner concede that we were correct or changing their mind, conversations easily devolve into disputes. Rather than waiting for your significant other to compromise, treat a discussion as a chance to learn about their point of view. From this vantage point, you can have an intriguing conversation while avoiding an outburst or residual discontent.

11. Make Your Apologies Meaningful

Its common knowledge that apologizing is a positive thing, however, it’s truly effective when it is intended with the purest of hearts. It’s a pointless exercise to say things like “I’m sorry you feel that way,” “I’m sorry you perceive it that way,” or “I’m sorry if I offended you.” You can’t argue with a feeling, even if you don’t believe that your behavior was bad.

Face the fact that your lover is upset. A genuine apology can have a huge effect from this vantage point. You can always genuinely apologize for the suffering you caused your partner when you love them and hurt them, be it intentionally or not, regardless of your view on what happened.

The Author

Oladotun Olayemi

Dotun is a content enthusiast who specializes in first-in-class content, including finance, travel, crypto, blockchain, market, and business to educate and inform readers.