Love & Relationships

Understanding One-sided Relationship and What to Do About It

Understanding One-sided Relationship and What to Do About It

Mutual integrity and devotion between people are characteristics of successful relationships. In a one-sided relationship, on the other hand, it can feel as though one person is putting in most of the time and effort to make the relationship flourish.

One-sided relationships do not always imply that one party is being exploited, but they do typically suggest an interaction or suitability issue between two people. It’s possible that one partner isn’t as invested in the relationship as the other, or that one person isn’t sure how they feel yet.

This article explains what one-sided relationships are, what causes them and what you should do if you find yourself in one.

You can certainly count on the other person in a healthy, balanced relationship, and you know where you stand with them, thereby providing consistency and protection.

One person puts in the majority of the effort in a one-sided relationship, whether it’s monetarily, physiologically, emotionally, or psychologically. In a romantic partnership, this could mean that one person initiates the majority of communication, plans the majority of collaborative interactions, or handles the majority of the responsibilities that the pair should share equally.

One-Sided Relationship Defined

A one-sided relationship is an interpersonal companionship in which one person devotes more energy or has more dominance than the other.

Characteristics of a One-sided Relationship

One-sided relationships exist in a variety of shapes and sizes. It could be about your connection with your partner or your relationship with your parents, friends, and coworkers. Here are some warning signals of a one-sided relationship to look out for:

Taking The Lead On The Major Activities And Communication

Here, the other person seldomly initiates contact, rather, you are expected to lead nearly every conversation, initiate nearly every encounter, and arrange the bulk of your time together.

Making All The Significant Decisions Alone

You’re forced to make almost every significant relationship decision on your own, while the other person may say they don’t mind, or they may simply shirk responsibilities. In either case, you’re the one bearing the burden of big decisions on your shoulders, with little or no involvement or investment from the other party.

Offering Apology

Being the one who has to offer an apology after a disagreement or quarrel, while the other party fails to reach out to accept the blame or accept ownership for their conduct. Rather, you’re the one who usually apologizes to move on from the issue.


Giving up everything to make the other person happy. You may feel compelled to neglect your desires and needs to keep the relationship afloat.

Trust Issues

Insecurity and a lack of clarity about your position, make you begin to distrust the other person’s motives, dedication, and engagement in the relationship when they don’t appear to care or put much effort.

Characteristics of One-Sided Relationships

When one individual in a relationship is deceptive or poisonous, the partnership can become unbalanced. In other circumstances, though, several elements can contribute to a one-sided relationship.

Communication Problems

One or both parties may find it difficult to express their emotions, needs, and perspectives. If both parties agree, practicing and strengthening communication skills can assist in creating clarity about viable solutions, reactions, and possibilities for repair and healing.

It Breeds Insecurity

One person is concerned that if they don’t take care of everything themselves, they will lose the relationship. As a result, they take on an unusual amount of the relationship’s duty.

Mismatched Expectations

Each individual contributes their perspective on what a relationship should entail and what they want to gain from it. It is going to feel one-sided if you are more passionate and dedicated to the relationship than your partner is.

Individual Issues

When one partner is struggling with a difficult situation or is showing signs of a mental health problem, it can affect how they act in a relationship. If they are dealing with such issues, they may not be able to give it the attention it requires.

Attachment Styles

In adult romantic relationships, attachment styles can influence how people act. A person who is very needy and loves attention may be concerned that the other person is not trying at all.

How to Restructure A One-Way Relationship

When it comes to altering a one-sided relationship, both parties must be on board and willing to put in the effort required. Start by being honest with yourself about what you’re avoiding talking about with your partner and why.

Keep Your Relationship Open-Minded

Try posing relationship-related questions to yourself, such as is this person’s behavior consistent throughout all of their relationships, or is this relationship’s one-sided pattern unique to yours? Is this someone with whom you feel at ease discussing your wants and needs? What type of feedback do they get?

Consider Therapy

In some cases, couples counseling may be beneficial, such that the partner who is giving less, gaining new skills in treatment that will help them operate efficiently and contribute significantly to the relationship.

Treatment can help partners who are bearing the burden of the relationship alone tackle some of the motives why they have taken on this responsibility. It can also assist them in addressing any codependency challenges that may be causing them to take on too much.

In all, you must realize that you cannot influence someone who refuses or is unable to offer and be a supporting spouse.

When To End The Relationship

If your emotional or physical health is being harmed by a one-sided relationship, you must take measures to protect yourself. If the other person refuses to listen and change their conduct, you should consider terminating the relationship.

When you’re in a one-sided relationship, you may realize at some point that you have become bitter, unnecessarily jealous, and miserable. If you find yourself in such an unhealthy partnership, it is critical to examine the state of affairs without bias, explore your choices, and decide whether or not the relationship is worth salvaging.

In the end, a one-sided relationship is unhealthy for both parties involved and while change is possible, it is critical to know when it is time to remove yourself from such an unpleasant situation and move on.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.