Love & Relationships

Best Ways to Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

Best Ways to Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

It’s no news to couples that having a successful marriage is arduous and full of problems that they must conquer. Couples who must confront the task of keeping a commitment despite a long-distance marriage, on the other hand, win the contest for one of the most complicated hurdles to overcome in their relationship.

The good news is that, while a more recent study estimates that long-distance marriages have a 58 percent success rate, this figure is no worse than the existing success percentage of regular marriages.

So you ask what is the most difficult aspect of a long-distance relationship?

One of the most difficult challenges in a long-distance marriage is strained emotional attachment. According to a study, the greatest difficulty that long-distance couples encounter is a loss of that feeling of closeness to their partner’s day-to-day life. This detachment leads to less sensuality and, over time, can damage the relationship.

Because relationships are either blooming or withering, this sense of alienation must be handled daily, which can be difficult for couples who are kept separate by distance.

Here are some tips for you to apply

Make the Most of Your Bonding Time

Couples must spend quality time together to strengthen their relationship. It is recommended that couples spend at least 5 hours of good time together without interruptions, which might be especially tough for long-distance couples who are new to being apart.

When it comes to spending some time together, long-distance couples must be innovative and take full advantage of technology. For instance, you could set up a time for you to interact with one another and share your common goal, which is essential for connecting and engaging.

Appeal to Each Others Senses

All of our senses appear to be aroused when we are in love and further heightened whenever we spend time with our spouses. On the other hand, when we are separated from our spouse, like in a long-distance marriage, these senses may lack the input required for intimacy.

Couples in a long-distance marriage must be innovative to spur each other’s senses when they are separated. Whether you send a picture, an audio file, food, or something your partner can touch, these inventive ideas that engage all of these senses can help you connect.

Virtual Intimacy

Technology has enhanced our ability to easily interact with people all around the world. It has also given rise to new ways for couples to display their sexual wants and intimacy when they are unable to be together in the same place.

Some companies have created apps and sexual devices that use technology to unite a couple who are especially separated by long distances. Using phone/virtual sex, intimate images, sexting, creatively might help with the disconnect that long-distance marriages frequently experience in their sexual lives.

Send Handwritten Notes

There is something about getting a letter in the mail that has far more substance than a message or email, and this is something that long-distance partners can imitate in their relationship.

Handwriting a letter to your spouse can elicit loving sensations that no other mode of communication can replicate, and they can be revisited at any moment to maintain a sense of connection even when their partner is unavailable.

Make Honesty Your Policy

As previously said, one of the most challenging issues that long-distance couples endure is a daily sense of alienation from their partner. When partners are unaware of what their spouse is going through simply because they do not spend as much time together as typical couples, it can lead to fear and misconceptions.

Couples in long-distance relationships are more concerned about infidelity than traditional marriages, as a result, when honesty is not a principle in a relationship, it can lead to increased anxiety and detachment.

Transparency can mean telling your partner where you’re going, who you’re spending time with, what you’re spending money on, or what you’re talking about on social media.

Set Healthy Friendship Limitations

Due to their geographical distance, long-distance couples do not spend nearly as much time together as regular couples. This does not imply that you should socially disassociate yourself when apart.

A study suggests that persons in long-distance marriages prefer to isolate themselves from others and focus on work to ease any loneliness they may experience. On the contrary, when you cannot be with your partner, you must maintain a good friendship and safety net.

Having said that, it is critical to maintaining rules and boundaries with the people you socialize with while you are not with your partner. For instance, your spouse should be aware of the persons with whom you associate.

Surprise Your Spouse at Intervals

Dazzling your spouse is vital in any relationship, and it is especially critical in long-distance marriages. This can be difficult for long-distance couples to accomplish and requires ingenuity and organization.

And because surprises are unanticipated and spontaneous, it sends a message to your partner that you are mindful of them and that you took the time and effort to show them exactly that. These unexpected gifts do not have to be costly or excessive. Indeed, it appears that the smallest gestures have the most impact.

All types of marriage involve unique problems, and long-distance marriages are no different. Couples must recognize that marriage requires effort, and long-distance relationships have challenges that typical marriages do not, which translates to going the extra mile to make the marriage work.

Couples split by miles must recognize their constraints and adjust to new ways of engaging with each other to continue strengthening their relationship. People in long-distance marriages can maintain a deeper bond with their spouses and reach out to each other using these methods.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.