Love & Relationships

Top 6 Reasons Why Most Relationships Fail

Top 6 Reasons Why Most Relationships Fail

There is a myriad of factors that causes most relationships to fail, such as lack of integrity, communication gap, loss of regard, a difference in objectives, and absence of affection.

This article delves into why each of these factors could lead to the breakup of a relationship.

1. Loss of Faith

A sense of protection is one of the most important sensations in a strong relationship, which would be absent if you don’t have the support and care or if your partner is untrustworthy.

If your partner seems evasive or difficult to lock down, you should be concerned because a relationship founded on distrust is doomed from the start.

Note that relationships built on distrust and characterized by lying, possessiveness, and cheating are unlikely to last.

2. Communication Issues

Your exchange of information has devolved into a situational mode if you’re only talking about the children’s activities or the housework list. Constructive conversations should be about a bunch of different interesting topics.

It’s possible to disagree even if you communicate properly. Disagreements are unavoidable and there are strategies to reduce them with good communication skills, like compassion, insight, and active listening. Sadly, many couples have difficulty communicating in this manner.

While it may seem contradictory, it is not a positive indication when a couple boasts about how they never fight because it frequently underlines the fact that both parties prefer to dodge disagreement.

Instead of not arguing at all, couples should vent their fears and anxieties and find a means to communicate them to one another.

3. Indignation

Couples frequently argue on a variety of topics, but money concerns are particularly common. One of them may be a spender, while the other is a saver. The issue isn’t so much that they have fundamentally opposed views on financial management; rather, it’s how they manage financial issues.

As a result, it’s critical to note how each party handles the other during a disagreement over money or any other topic. Being impolite, sneering at you, and dismissing you are all indications of a dearth of mutual respect.

4. Dissimilar Priorities

Your relationship may start to plummet when you discover that the person you’re dating or have been with for a long time has profoundly different relationship ambitions or aspirations for the future than you.

Perhaps you and your partner have opposing long-term objectives. It can be unpleasant to learn that your partner’s ambitions are different from yours if you haven’t taken the time to talk about them.

However, your relationship isn’t always disastrous because you have different goals. There is the probability that your goals might have an impact on the goals of the individual with whom you’re engaged.

5. Reduced Intimacy

Oxytocin, dubbed the love hormone, is released when we embrace, touch each other, kiss, or express love and care to our partner. Higher oxytocin levels are also linked to lower sources of stress and happier moods.

Relationships typically disintegrate when couples do not touch much, and this lack of contact is aggravated by conversing in a non-intimate and close manner, which can cause a relationship to get strained when one spouse is emotionally unavailable. Along with other variables, a disparity of sexual interests can weaken a relationship and eventually lead to a breakup.

6. How to Keep A Long-Lasting Relationship

Couples who have great regard for their partners, those who handle disputes well and give each other the benefit of the doubt stand a chance to weather the storm of the relationship. The reverse is also true in unhappy partnerships.

There are many causes of a relationship not lasting, however, concerns of integrity, communication, respect, objectives, and closeness are all major contributors to its downfall.

Of course, no relationship is flawless, but if the bad times outnumber the good, it may be time to reconsider your stance in the relationship. But if you and your partner are serious about making the relationship work, you can seek help from a therapist.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.