Love & Relationships

Why the First Year of Marriage Is Important

Why the First Year of Marriage Is Important

Some certain ups and downs come with wedded bliss. It’s entirely typical to experience difficulties within the first two years of marriage, so don’t be alarmed. You and your spouse may begin building a solid base for years to come by knowing some of the transformations and hurdles you may face early in your marriage.

The Importance of the First Year of Marriage

As you and your spouse acclimatize to your different positions, know that the first year of marriage is full of modifications. However, according to studies, how you manage this transitional phase is critical to the durability of your marriage.

In the early years of a marriage, a decrease in love, tenderness, and attentiveness, as well as an increase in indifference, might occur.

According to one study, married couples who expect their happiness levels to grow within the first four years of marriage are more likely to experience a fall over time.

Divorce is also common in the early years of marriage due to the transition into family life, particularly among couples with high levels of pessimism, who have been proven to have lower overall levels of marital contentment.

Early Warning Signs

When any or both of the partners can be qualified by the qualities below, their relationship or union is a disaster waiting to happen. They include substance use disorders, abuse, lack of respect, lack of romance and closeness, fear of confrontation, being too young to marry or for the wrong reasons to marry, and committing more time to other activities than your union.

Set Priorities

In the first year of marriage, keep in mind that it is very normal to feel unhappy after your wedding. Holiday blues are a common occurrence and could happen because you have both been preoccupied with wedding preparations that have taken a long time.

It’s a safe guarantee that you’ll have a feeling of loss once you’re no longer dealing with that tension. It’s akin to the post-holiday blues that many individuals go through. However, this period of despair should not be overlooked.

Make plans with each other: While spending time together is crucial, you also need meaningful time away from your partner for personal development and individuality.

Make sex a priority: Even when things got a bit busy and crazy, maintaining a good sex life must remain a priority. While most couples have sex once a week, it’s crucial to discover what works best for you to sustain a connection.

Set limits with your in-laws: Talk to your husband about what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable in terms of in-law engagement.

Recognize distinctions: While your underlying principles are likely to be the same, your views and opinions may be different.

What to Do If You’re Having Problems

The greatest thing you can do is have an honest dialogue with your partner about your misgivings without criticizing them. You may then determine whether marriage assistance choices are a better fit for you both.

Channeling time to study and discuss self-help books, getting advice from a house of worship or another reputable source, participating in a marriage education course, or seeking couples’ therapy are all samples.

Don’t Point the Finger at Your Partner

Any problems you and your spouse are having will be exacerbated if you assign blame. Conversely, talk about what you’re seeing and how you and your partner can work together to close the gap.

Keep Your Demands in Check

If you hold your spouse up to the standards anticipate your spouse living up to what you see in romantic movies, for instance, false assumptions might ruin your relationship.

Allow time for you and your spouse to adjust. For both of you, marriage is a new experience, so be patient while you adjust to your current roles.

You can assist your companion in growing, but you cannot modify who they are. You can’t alter your relationship, but you can change how you respond to situations.

Respect Your Partner

Don’t take anything for granted with them. Saying “thank you” and expressing gratitude can go a long way toward helping your spouse feel great about themselves and your relationship.

Spend meaningful time with your partner. In your marriage, spending time can help deepen your bond, enhance closeness, and create memorable experiences.

Even though the first few years of marriage are supposed to be the most challenging, they are frequently recalled as the most joyful. They can be a wonderful time of connection and exploration.

There’s a lot to learn about each other and a lot to say to each other. You may lay the groundwork for a long-lasting, fulfilling relationship while you’re still newlywed. So relax and enjoy the romance.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.