Love & Relationships

What to Do If Your Relationship Isn’t Working

What to Do If Your Relationship Isn't Working

Merely admitting to yourself that you are unhappy in your relationship with your partner might be challenging. Unhappiness can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including regular conflicts, a growing gap between you and your partner, or simply a nagging sensation in your gut that something is wrong.

This article looks at the sources and impacts of unhappy relationships, as well as some advice on how to make things better.

Causes of Unhappy Relationships

These are some of the factors that can lead to relationship dissatisfaction.

Clinging to the Past

When people reminisce about the good old days or moments in their relationship when things were simpler and they weren’t so agitated, they often wind up in miserable partnerships. People cling to their nostalgic memories rather than focusing their energies on being present and resolving current difficulties.

Attempting to Alter Each Other

Attempting to change each other is another key element that leads to unhappy relationships. The other person will start to feel obligated to defend their every action and reaction to their partner.

Differing Philosophies of Life

Couples who do not possess fundamental beliefs may be able to manage the early phases of their relationship, but as they discover more about each other and how they function in the world, friction will increase.

Feeling Stifled in Your Relationship

Partners may feel stifled in their relationships. They may believe that they must choose between staying in the relationship and steadily growing and accomplishing their dreams outside of it.

Negative Effects of Unhappy Relationships

Here are some pointers on how dissatisfaction might affect your relationship:

Emotional Distress: A troubled relationship causes greater depression, anguish, intolerance, and mental fatigue than a happy relationship. Couples will start viewing each other with scorn, frustration, and criticism as a result of disagreement.

They begin to arm themselves during exchanges with their partner, rather than seeking sanctuary in the connection. In bad partnerships, emotional or even physical altercations can make it difficult to operate and fulfill obligations in other capacities.

Pullout: People not only sense more stress and conflict as a result of the connection, but they also believe they are handling everything on their own. Partners in toxic relationships become antagonists, and the other person usually withdraws.

Sense of despair: People in bad relationships often falsify their real-life to hold on to the illusion of what could be. Frustration and dejection result from their attempts to deny reality and refuse to accept each other for who they are.

Pessimism: Your relationship will begin to drag you down and imbue negative vibes into your career and other connections.

Concentration on one another is less important: When you’re in a bad relationship, you’ll find that you want to put other things ahead of your spouse.
In troubled relationships, partners often do not make time to bond on an intimate level physically or emotionally.

Lack of Communication: An unhappy relationship dialogue and ability to connect are severely harmed because partners are unable to work through issues or handle hurt feelings. Because the sincere connection is difficult, these partners will begin to lead independent lives.

The Shift of Attention: Couples will actively seek assistance and have their needs satisfied through other individuals and organizations.

For relationships that aren’t working here are some relationship improvement approaches, including:

Find out What Exactly is Missing

Firstly, ascertain what isn’t working in the relationship and whether these issues are deal-breakers or they are amendable.

Determine Whether Your Relationship is Worth Saving

You must decide whether or not you want to put forth the effort to save your relationship. This necessitates your impartiality, which is especially difficult when you’ve invested a significant amount of time in the relationship and are hoping for it to return to its former glory.

Communicate and Interact with Your Partner

Change your protective posture of criticizing and condemning your partner to one of vulnerability. Share what areas of your relationship you’d like to change, as well as how you and your partner influence its current state.

According to research, displaying thankfulness in your relationship more frequently makes both partners feel more comfortable discussing relationship concerns.

Make Adjustments as a Team

Be a problem-solver and keep in mind that you and your partner are working together to solve the problem. That means that when an issue emerges, you must think about how you will solve it as a group and not let issues keep you apart.

Take a Break

If things don’t improve, taking a break can help you gain space and insight into your relationship. You can forge a new route together or alone by giving each other space.

Rather than settling on your partnership out of convenience, time apart can allow each of you to grow, find what you want, and determine for yourself the shape you want your relationship and life to take.

Finally, some other reasons can contribute to your partner’s dissatisfaction, resulting in pain, conflict, negativity, and frustration. This can lead to a downhill slope in your relationship, as well as have an impact on other elements of your life, such as your job.

So if you’re unhappy in your relationship, you need to figure out what’s upsetting you, talk about it with your partner, and find a way to solve it together. Also, you can ask for assistance from loved ones or see a psychologist or couples counselor if you feel it is required.

The Author

Ajisebutu Doyinsola

Doyinsola Ajisebutu is a journalist, mother, and prolific writer who takes a special interest in finance, insurance, lifestyle, parenting, business, and the Tech world.